
Freelance Digital Illustrator
Mostly Yuri/GL

Yuri-themed Commissioned Art. Fanart. Collaborations. Doujin Projects. Fanzines.
To inquire about projects and/or commissions, please reach out to me using the social links below.

Support me as an artist by buying a commission or donating:

Commission Status:

Please fill out the form below to be added to the waitlist. I will contact you once a slot is reopened.


- This is my full art style with 5-step process on shading and highlighting + blending.
- Additional fees may incur for more intricate backgrounds


- Involves minimal blending and highlighting after base colors.




Deliberation & Rough Sketch
- Quotation
- Initial Draft
- Detail clarification
- Payment or Downpayment before fiest-pass sketch will be sent
- Only chance of free cancellation in case the client isn't happy with the direction of the piece after thorough discussion.

Swatching & Payment
- No Refund Policy Section
- Must be fully paid after final draft is sent
- Colors check
- Detail check
- Free revisions or addition of detail/items

Final Piece
- Free SIMPLE background and environment (i.e. rain, smog)
- Free Revision of overall color balance of the final piece
- Will be sent in 2 compressed PNG's for watermark and non-watermark versions
- Additional fee for layered PSD vesion

Other Sizes and Rates

Please note that all rates are not fixed templates of an art piece as final appearance will greatly vary on the clients' preferences and input.

Terms and Conditions - Teru1. Usage. Commissions, Artist and Clients
Teru or @kaiteru or Teru Draws or teru3sei are my art handles.
I am a self-taught digital art hobbyist based in the Philippines.
Commissions that come through my online social networking platforms are for FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY.
Projects intended for redistribution and/or commercial use will be subject to a separate review, contract and terms of conditions and must be directly requested by sending an email to [email protected].
With the exception of projects under NDA and exclusivity fee,
I claim ownership for any finished commission. I decide on where I use progress reports/images and finished commissions without the need for the client’s consent. Clients are “sponsors” of content/materials of their preferences. Clients have the rights to share the output to the public, provided that the artist‘s watermark is visible in the post, or otherwise proper credit is given in the caption. Reproduction of any finished commissions with the intention to profit and/or promote any branding, business, or political agenda is prohibited.
In all cases, revision of my works without my permission such as removal of or tampering with the watermark, retracing, applying heavy filters, etc, are strictly subject to client BLACKLISTING. Feeding my art works to ALL existing AI generative databases are also subject to BLACKLISTING..
2. Payments, Price Quotes
Prices are in United States Dollars
a. Payments are accepted through the following method:
i. Paypal (for overseas clients)
ii. Ko-fi donations that are no less than the quoted amount.
iii. Wise (Formerly Transferwise)
iv. Local bank transfers (Philippines): includes cash apps such as maya, gcash, ShopeePay, Grab, etc
b. Commission sheets are for references only. All prices posted in public portfolios. Rates are subject to change.
c. A Quote for the commission will be agreed upon during discussions of the material/content of the commission being requested. Quotes are therefore NOT FINAL and are still subject to adjustments while commission is in progress.
d. I request UPFRONT payments after the commission request is accepted. For commissions that amount to ONE HUNDRED US DOLLARS (100 USD) or more, clients can request partial payments or installments, but the DOWN PAYMENT amounting to the % of the initial quote must be paid before the project is commenced.
3. Project Flow
a. The project will start upon the initial client request. Upon review, the quote will be given, and the client must pay for the required amount, whether in full or in partial payment as outlined in Section 2.d.
i. Rough Draft. Upon payment, a general idea based on the client’s description or references will be drafted. Depending on the complexity of the subject, and the amount of details described in the request form, a rough draft may be sent within 2-5 days. The client is free to request adjustments and additions during this stage (including, but not limited to weaponry, the type of background, if applicable). Any major composition REVISION may be requested. Prices may be re-quoted.
ii. The Draft is FINAL once itsis APPROVED without no further revisions. The client is then required to settle the requested amount in FULL, if they haven’t yet. Project is considered NON-REFUNDABLE at this point.
iii. Revisions requests will be asked for every update sent. Minor revisions will not require fees. Major revisions will be subject to re-quotation of charges.
b. Cancellation of any Project. I value client expectations and take pride in my commission’s consistently rising standards. If at any point DURING THE DRAFTING stage, the client feels that they don’t want to continue with the request, they may freely do so without having to further explain. Any paid quotes during this time will be refunded. Any fees during the payment, however, will NOT be refunded.
If the client chooses to cancel AFTER the draft is FINALIZED and APPROVED by client, NO REFUND WILL BE ISSUED. Regardless of client cancellation, however, continuing the project will be at my discretion to whether or not I will add it to my portfolio.
In the event that the client asks for revisions that go against my artist morale and/or standards, or go over my skills, I have the right to cancel the project myself and Refund them.
i. Refund rules. Refunds will ALWAYS be issued in the same denomination (USD) AND method (i.e. Paypal). I will not be accepting requests to transfer money back to someone else’s account or use a different denomination when issuing a refund.
ii. Depending on the receiving bank or payment option, Refunds could take a while. You will be notified once the refund is processed, after processing the refund, any banking procedures are beyond my liabilities.
4. Estimated Time of Completion
Depending on the complexity of the work, and the number of commissions in progress, the turnaround may vary. Clients will receive email reports or Work in Progress updates in irregular intervals as not all steps in art making require the same amount of time. Expect that some art may take months to finish depending on the complexity, personal schedule, etc.
5. Revisions
The client is required to respond timely to my updates and Work in Progress reports. As stated in 3a, minor revisions may be requested for free. In the event that I send a WIP report to the client, they are required to respond within 2 days (48 hours) for any requests to revise. Failure to do so will be considered as a fully approved report, and I will move on to the next phase of the artwork.
6. Artstyle
I, the creator of the commission project, am the one to decide the direction of the overall style of the finished product. I hold myself responsible for the creation of the commissions under a standard that may vary over time as new techniques and workflow is applied on each and every creation. The client has the right to suggest a finished “artstyle” based on my previous works at the beginning of commission discussions. If the client does not proactively do so, I will work on the commission in my own approach, and with the current set of workflow and techniques that I use.
I have the right to decline requests that I feel uncomfortable with or are beyond my skill range.
Sending me a commission request means that you agree to the Terms and Conditions stated above.
________________2021 Teru Draws
Updated on February 24, 2024 (14:23 GMT +8:00)

My Print and Cut ServiceUpdated price as of (May 29, 2024)

To order, please accomplish this form:

Checkout the semi-official online shop
Fillout this form for international orders.
Shopee Shop also available:


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